CRFR is pleased to support the launch of a new social science journal, Families, Relationships and Societies. The journal explores family life, relationships and generational issues from a social science perspective and with a strong policy and practice focus. The aim to present high-calibre work and stimulate debate has been well achieved in the first issue:
- Editorial: Tess Ridge and Brid Featherstone
- An ethic of care and sibling care in older age: Marian Barnes
- Doing family, contesting gender and expanding affinity: Family practices of married women in Hong Kong: Anita Chan
- Family structure, family stability and outcomes of five-year-old children: Terry-Ann Craigie et al.
- Farewell to family? Notes on an argument for retaining the concept: Ros Edwards
- The effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving access to the health and mental health services for looked after children and young people: A systematic review: Roy Jones et al.
- Reflections on governing the family: The close relationship between child protection and social work in advanced Western societies – the example of England: Nigel Parton
- Care relations and public policy: Social justice claims and social investment frames: Fiona Williams
- Open Space: A review of social trends and family and relationships policies in England and Wales: Martina Klett-Davies
Marian Barnes offers insight into the under-researched area of sibling care, and together with Anita Chan's article on married women in Hong Kong, demonstrates the value of qualitative approaches in exploring family practices. The journal has taken on an international perspective and the quantitative study by Craigie, Brooks-Gunn and Waldfogel from the United States is an important contribution to a contested area in families research. Edwards and Gillies have offered a similarly stimulating argument, and the editorial team are hopeful that many readers respond to the ideas put forward in these two articles in forthcoming issues. The systematic review by Roy Jones and colleagues, and the article by Nigel Parton are required reading for those interested in child welfare and protection, and again the editors would welcome alternative views of policy and practice in this area. Finally Fiona Williams' article builds on her groundbreaking work on care ethics.
Open Space is a unique feature of the journal providing space for more critical reviews of research, policy, practice initiatives and recent publications and providing an opportunity, over time, for authors to test out new viewpoints, stimulate debates and bring one another up-to-date on local and global contexts. Martina Klett-Davies kicks this off with a policy review in the area of relationships support.
CRFR would like to congratulate everyone on the editorial board for this important contribution.
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